NEW | Hunt across all platforms with one simple query - discover if an IPv4 address, domain, URL or file hash has been identified on any platform from a centralized search tool. Test it out here - and happy hunting 🔍


YARAify offers the following API endpoint.

Auth-Key (Required) Scan a file Query a task ID Using identifiers Query a file hash Query YARA rule Query ClamAV signature Query imphash Query tlsh Query telfhash Query gimphash Query icon dhash Perform file rescan Download a file Download an unpacked file List recently deployed YARA rules Deploy a YARA rule Show your active YARA rules Delete a YARA rule Download a specific YARA rule Download all available YARA rules Example scripts

Obtain an Auth-Key (Required)

In order to interact with the MalwareBazaar API, you need to obtain an Auth-Key first. If you don't have one you can get one for free here:

Whenever you interact with the YARAify API, you must include the HTTP header Auth-Key with your Auth-Key. Example curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_results", "task_id": "fb2763e9-7b84-11ec-9f01-42010aa4000b" }'

Scan a file

You can scan a file against public and non-public YARA and ClamAV signatures as documented below. In addition, this API enpoint also supports optional malware sample unpacking (PE executables only).

A few important notes before you scan a file using the API:

ParameterRequired?DefaultCommentPossible values
fileYesNoneThe file you want to scann/a
identifierNoNoneOptional identifier to associate this submission withn/a
clamav_scanNo1Defines whether to scan the file with ClamAV0 or 1
unpackNo0Defines whether to unpack the file0 or 1
share_fileNo1Defines whether the file is public and may be shared with 3rd parties0 or 1
skip_knownNo0If 1, YARAify will not process the file if the file is already known0 or 1
skip_noisyNo0If 1, YARAify skips the file if it already has been scanned at least 10 times within the past 24 hours. It will return the latest task_id instead0 or 1

Here's a very basic sample python3 script for submitting a file to the scan engine:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json

files = {
    'file': (open('sample.exe','rb'))
response ='', files=files, verify=True)
print(response.content.decode("utf-8", "ignore"))

Here's a bit a more advanced sample python3 script for submitting a file to the scan engine with custom parameters set:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json

data = {
    'clamav_scan':  1,
    'unpack':       1
files = {
    'json_data': (None, json.dumps(data), 'application/json'),
    'file': (open('sample.exe','rb'))
response ='', files=files, verify=True)
print(response.content.decode("utf-8", "ignore"))

More example scripts for interaction with the API are available on Gitlab:

Query a task ID

This API endpoint is used to fetch the current status (task_status) of a task_id along with, if the task has already been procsssed by the scanning engine, the scan results.

ParameterRequired?DefaultCommentPossible values
queryYesNoneMust be get_results to query to this enpointn/a
task_idYesNoneThe task_id you want to query the API forn/a
malpedia-tokenNoNoneOptional: your Malpedia Tokenn/a

Malpedia maintains a set of public and non-public YARA rules. If you provide your malpedia-token, you will not only receive results from their public YARA rules (TLP:WHITE) but also matches on their non-public rulesets (TLP:GREEN, TLP:AMBER and TLP:RED). Please note that your token will temporarily be stored for verification against the Malpedia API.

Here's a sample curl command that shows how to query the API for a task_id:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_results", "task_id": "fb2763e9-7b84-11ec-9f01-42010aa4000b" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "yaraify_parameters": {
            "clamav_scan": 1,
            "unpack": 1,
            "share_file": 1
        "metadata": {
            "file_name": "b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd.exe",
            "file_size": 792372,
            "file_type_mime": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "first_seen": "2022-01-22 19:24:01 UTC",
            "last_seen": "2022-01-23 14:52:44 UTC",
            "sightings": 11,
            "unpacked_files_cnt": 2
        "static_results": [
              "rule_name": "xxx",
              "author": "xxx",
              "description": "xxx",
              "reference": "xxx",
              "yarahub_uuid": "xxx",
              "tlp": "AMBER"
              "rule_name": "MALW_emotet",
              "author": "Marc Rivero | McAfee ATR Team",
              "description": "Rule to detect unpacked Emotet",
              "reference": null,
              "yarahub_uuid": null,
              "tlp": "WHITE"
        "clamav_results": [
        "unpack_results": [
                "unpacked_file_name": "10000000.dll",
                "unpacked_md5": "d87f7e2caa4e48c3f98d352a9e087ab8",
                "unpacked_sha256": "8c7236d27b8dbaffcd64d9b5155e8c416f33102604ab27076d32c321681ae5c3",
                "unpacked_yara_matches": [
                        "rule_name": "xxx",
                        "author": "xxx",
                        "description": "xxx",
                        "reference": "xxx",
                        "yarahub_uuid": "xxx",
                        "tlp": "GREEN"
                        "rule_name": "win_younglotus_auto",
                        "author": "Detects win.younglotus.",
                        "description": null,
                        "reference": "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com",
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "rule_name": "MALWARE_Win_Zegost",
                        "author": "Detects Zegost",
                        "description": null,
                        "reference": "ditekSHen",
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                "unpacked_file_name": "400000.b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd",
                "unpacked_md5": "b5c96bab82e2ca1f8b6246f58ce3ffed",
                "unpacked_sha256": "bd1e271a049045633f995ba1d3a80176b2d2a117543e0972b0a2c5e0519cb9b2",
                "unpacked_yara_matches": [
                        "rule_name": "with_urls",
                        "author": "Rule to detect the presence of an or several urls",
                        "description": "http:\/\/\/",
                        "reference": "Antonio Sanchez ",
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "rule_name": "without_attachments",
                        "author": "Rule to detect the no presence of any attachment",
                        "description": "http:\/\/\/",
                        "reference": "Antonio Sanchez ",
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "rule_name": "win_mbrlock_auto",
                        "author": "Detects win.mbrlock.",
                        "description": null,
                        "reference": "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com",
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"


As you can see, matches on non-public YARA rules (e.g. such from Malpedia) are being replaced with "xxx".

The value for yarahub_uuid is empty (null) if the matching YARA rule does not originate from YARAhub.

A example script for querying the YARAify API for a task id is available on our github:

Using identifiers

You can keep track of a file that you have submitted using the task_id you got back from the API after your submission. However, you can use identifiers to keep track of your submissions. The documentation below shows you how to create identifiers and how you can use them to keep track of your submissions.

Create an identifier

In order to create an identifier, you must send a HTTP POST request to the API as documented below. The API will create and return an identifier to you.

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "generate_identifier" }'

Of course, you can identify as many identifiers as you want (e.g. for different systems that submit files to the API for scanning). However, a submission can only be associated with one identifier.

Keeping track of your submissions

The following endpoint lets you query the API for an identifier, which will then return a list of corresponding submissions from the past 24 hours. In you can use an additional filter to filter for processed or queued submissions from the past 24 hours. Please note that the output is limited to max 250 entries.

Here's a sample curl command that shows how to query the API for an identifier while filtering for processed submissions (while xxxxxxxx is a placeholder for your identifier):

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "list_tasks", "identifier": "xxxxxxxx", "task_status": "processed"}'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

"query_status": "ok",
"data": [
      "task_id": "9b91e5d3-7b7e-11ec-9f01-42010aa1000b",
      "task_status": "processed",
      "md5_hash": "83fdeaf19ae60e26dd0b53ab74a66f55",
      "sha256_hash": "65104ef88eb6e5e0416a33fe16709450ff79b3698266b9ce96af3d848cf44c48",
      "file_name": "dropped.dll"
      "task_id": "3b895428-7b7e-11ec-9f01-62010aa4000b",
      "task_status": "processed",
      "md5_hash": "3677819a63a436c7d90d01e8fab38eb6",
      "sha256_hash": "2c4591542b85eb8601213322454ba4aabc683ae03b70a8244436895575732be8",
      "file_name": "evil.dll"
      "task_id": "7b817a16-7b7e-12ec-9f01-02010aa4000b",
      "task_status": "processed",
      "md5_hash": "fd5c9eaf79bb0abe8372364553933215",
      "sha256_hash": "09a7c4f3878793169f3a1c2467a1c160534255b5d0ca13db6b4c5c4178ef3379",
      "file_name": "emotet_sample.exe"

A example script for querying the YARAify API for an identifier is available on our github:

Query a file hash

You can query YARAify for a file hash (SHA256 hash, MD5 hash, SHA1 hash or SHA3-384 hash) by query the API as follow:

search_terma638404ab71199981be143591853b[...]File hash of the file you want to download
malpedia-tokenDummyOptional: your Malpedia Token

Malpedia maintains a set of public and non-public YARA rules. If you provide your malpedia-token, you will not only receive results from their public YARA rules (TLP:WHITE) but also matches on their non-public rulesets (TLP:GREEN, TLP:AMBER and TLP:RED). Please note that your token will temporarily be stored for verification against the Malpedia API.

Here's a sample curl command that shows how to query the API for a SHA256 hash:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "lookup_hash", "search_term": "b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "metadata": {
            "file_size": 792372,
            "file_type_mime": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "first_seen": "2022-01-22 19:24:01 UTC",
            "last_seen": "2022-01-23 14:52:44 UTC",
            "sightings": 11,
            "sha256_hash": "de7fa65d5cd5314ba0ce6ab19a7dcd9853639a1152447457de7efb39a9ba1f46",
            "md5_hash": "b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd",
            "sha1_hash": "cc597480e2f833f48e67ec75cd2c41547ceeb04c",
            "sha3_384": "21527985085b570a8c429df8f3e8cfc0da5664b605c641d05a1f09692539a1d51deac5d60622290ee86fdd9b250dcf4e",
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": null,
            "tlsh": null,
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null
        "tasks": [
                "task_id": "1f3da23c-7c5c-11ec-9f01-42010aa4000b",
                "time_stamp": "2022-01-23 14:52:44 UTC",
                "file_name": "b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd.exe",
                "task_parameters": {
                    "clamav_scan": 1,
                    "unpack": 1,
                    "share_file": 1
                "unpacked_files_cnt": "2",
                "clamav_results": [
                "static_results": [
                        "rule_name": "pe_imphash",
                        "author": null,
                        "description": null,
                        "reference": null,
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "rule_name": "Skystars_Malware_Imphash",
                        "author": "Skystars LightDefender",
                        "description": "imphash",
                        "reference": null,
                        "yarahub_uuid": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                "unpack_results": [
                        "unpacked_file_name": "10000000.dll",
                        "unpacked_md5": "d87f7e2caa4e48c3f98d352a9e087ab8",
                        "unpacked_sha256": "8c7236d27b8dbaffcd64d9b5155e8c416f33102604ab27076d32c321681ae5c3",
                        "unpacked_yara_matches": [
                                "rule_name": "xxx",
                                "author": "xxx",
                                "description": "xxx",
                                "reference": "xxx",
                                "yarahub_uuid": "xxx",
                                "tlp": "GREEN"
                                "rule_name": "win_younglotus_auto",
                                "author": "Detects win.younglotus.",
                                "description": null,
                                "reference": "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com",
                                "yarahub_uuid": null,
                                "tlp": "WHITE"
                                "rule_name": "MALWARE_Win_Zegost",
                                "author": "Detects Zegost",
                                "description": null,
                                "reference": "ditekSHen",
                                "yarahub_uuid": null,
                                "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "unpacked_file_name": "400000.b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd",
                        "unpacked_md5": "b5c96bab82e2ca1f8b6246f58ce3ffed",
                        "unpacked_sha256": "bd1e271a049045633f995ba1d3a80176b2d2a117543e0972b0a2c5e0519cb9b2",
                        "unpacked_yara_matches": [
                                "rule_name": "with_urls",
                                "author": "Rule to detect the presence of an or several urls",
                                "description": "http:\/\/\/",
                                "reference": "Antonio Sanchez ",
                                "yarahub_uuid": null,
                                "tlp": "WHITE"
                                "rule_name": "without_attachments",
                                "author": "Rule to detect the no presence of any attachment",
                                "description": "http:\/\/\/",
                                "reference": "Antonio Sanchez ",
                                "yarahub_uuid": null,
                                "tlp": "WHITE"
                                "rule_name": "win_mbrlock_auto",
                                "author": "Detects win.mbrlock.",
                                "description": null,
                                "reference": "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com",
                                "yarahub_uuid": null,
                                "tlp": "WHITE"
                "task_id": "e7cdd149-7c5b-11ec-9f01-42010aa4000b",
                "time_stamp": "2022-01-23 14:51:11 UTC",
                "file_name": "b0bb095dd0ad8b8de1c83b13c38e68dd.exe",
                "task_parameters": {
                    "clamav_scan": 1,
                    "unpack": 0,
                    "share_file": 1
                "unpacked_files_cnt": "0",
                "clamav_results": [
                "static_results": [
                        "rule_name": "pe_imphash",
                        "author": null,
                        "description": null,
                        "reference": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                        "rule_name": "Skystars_Malware_Imphash",
                        "author": "Skystars LightDefender",
                        "description": "imphash",
                        "reference": null,
                        "tlp": "WHITE"
                "unpack_results": []

As you can see, matches on non-public YARA rules (e.g. such from Malpedia) are being replaced with "xxx".

The value for yarahub_uuid is empty (null) if the matching YARA rule does not originate from YARAhub.

Query YARA rule

You can get a list of recent files matching a specific YARA rule by query the API as follow:

search_termMALWARE_Win_NeshtaYARA Rule you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_yara", "search_term": "MALWARE_Win_Neshta" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 13,
        "result_max": 500
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "5e3834ebbd42dbdbe6251efbf12869b3a70880f3535765ad8109b458543c8b2e",
            "file_size": 792412,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "37fe12185eceac065501e65ba3851463",
            "sha1_hash": "d29f33a7d26b7d7253e07bc7517779076a5b021f",
            "sha3_384_hash": "24f01256c2587cced649065378fd982298152ab5685d9f4c741c2cecd77a35ed3f878d69f65ef801640fb85aee071474",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-15 08:24:20 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "43fd39eb6df6bf3a9a3edd1f646cd16e",
            "ssdeep": "12288:PGXqG\/H1k6hUvoNUrIE33T5zTTlL9O3ZO6epkflNaGD0u74tt+3hJLGgFqLM:PZwk6hUv\/sEnnL6zLaGD46LLGng",
            "tlsh": "T138F423C1EB53E7E1C8EF4D38920FFB6546642102AE00095779E68E58BDFC3B2335568A",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null
            "sha256_hash": "b9807ee941907647ce285fab2687e4796f7f3c76afc5c8c9c141ca3568fcf87a",
            "file_size": 1576960,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "9161ee3cf96fda13ca70d450705b9002",
            "sha1_hash": "3f97d7d2fe39c0f0cddfa89a3f4066bf0d3bdb4b",
            "sha3_384_hash": "3734b149a09675adcb26c8775083dcd5ca037797c6e6262d6c89d19de6eeff8f731e6e71e80b20e515b4af35f5f7c39e",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 20:54:31 UTC",
            "last_seen": "2022-04-14 20:54:31 UTC",
            "sightings": 2,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "24576:JB4gDb100oLvVt8LfdCIGCYNoMJcsfU4uat4fo\/lG4HfOvN8zOkik9eZ:TjnJMnU4u8lG42KzOkikw",
            "tlsh": "T18B75AE23E54280FDD65820316CBB7F3ABDB497595A24CA83A7E8DE791F32251932730D",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "7171717169e8e8e8"
            "sha256_hash": "1d580d9f99a387f0735bde436955d7595dfb4f7c41fc9968cc1aa78734fa4d2a",
            "file_size": 1578496,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "ea3f7b921ceca64d2100850cbef4aa55",
            "sha1_hash": "9b09dc4da34863ab96cad9ed4cf53e0d7b87ffef",
            "sha3_384_hash": "bcd24af5bd6a1b2602ca5916e0453f2f4a2f8543281051fd3bc3cd227d4cd8fb10b5c7cc1daa8cbd36162f7b13671bf2",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-12 16:15:34 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "24576:T4gDb100oLvVt8LfdCIGCYNoMJcsfU4uat4fo\/lG4HfOvN8QOkik9eZ:TjnJMnU4u8lG42KQOkikw",
            "tlsh": "T1AE75AE23E54280FDD65820316CBB7F3ABDB497595A24CA83A7E8DE791F32251932730D",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "7171717169e8e8e8"

Query ClamAV Signature

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific ClamAV signature by query the API as follow:

search_termWin.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-9789290-0ClamAV signature you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_clamav", "search_term": "Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-9789290-0" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 13,
        "result_max": 500
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "5e3834ebbd42dbdbe6251efbf12869b3a70880f3535765ad8109b458543c8b2e",
            "file_size": 792412,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "37fe12185eceac065501e65ba3851463",
            "sha1_hash": "d29f33a7d26b7d7253e07bc7517779076a5b021f",
            "sha3_384_hash": "24f01256c2587cced649065378fd982298152ab5685d9f4c741c2cecd77a35ed3f878d69f65ef801640fb85aee071474",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-15 08:24:20 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "43fd39eb6df6bf3a9a3edd1f646cd16e",
            "ssdeep": "12288:PGXqG\/H1k6hUvoNUrIE33T5zTTlL9O3ZO6epkflNaGD0u74tt+3hJLGgFqLM:PZwk6hUv\/sEnnL6zLaGD46LLGng",
            "tlsh": "T138F423C1EB53E7E1C8EF4D38920FFB6546642102AE00095779E68E58BDFC3B2335568A",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null
            "sha256_hash": "b9807ee941907647ce285fab2687e4796f7f3c76afc5c8c9c141ca3568fcf87a",
            "file_size": 1576960,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "9161ee3cf96fda13ca70d450705b9002",
            "sha1_hash": "3f97d7d2fe39c0f0cddfa89a3f4066bf0d3bdb4b",
            "sha3_384_hash": "3734b149a09675adcb26c8775083dcd5ca037797c6e6262d6c89d19de6eeff8f731e6e71e80b20e515b4af35f5f7c39e",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 20:54:31 UTC",
            "last_seen": "2022-04-14 20:54:31 UTC",
            "sightings": 2,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "24576:JB4gDb100oLvVt8LfdCIGCYNoMJcsfU4uat4fo\/lG4HfOvN8zOkik9eZ:TjnJMnU4u8lG42KzOkikw",
            "tlsh": "T18B75AE23E54280FDD65820316CBB7F3ABDB497595A24CA83A7E8DE791F32251932730D",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "7171717169e8e8e8"
            "sha256_hash": "1d580d9f99a387f0735bde436955d7595dfb4f7c41fc9968cc1aa78734fa4d2a",
            "file_size": 1578496,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "ea3f7b921ceca64d2100850cbef4aa55",
            "sha1_hash": "9b09dc4da34863ab96cad9ed4cf53e0d7b87ffef",
            "sha3_384_hash": "bcd24af5bd6a1b2602ca5916e0453f2f4a2f8543281051fd3bc3cd227d4cd8fb10b5c7cc1daa8cbd36162f7b13671bf2",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-12 16:15:34 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "24576:T4gDb100oLvVt8LfdCIGCYNoMJcsfU4uat4fo\/lG4HfOvN8QOkik9eZ:TjnJMnU4u8lG42KQOkikw",
            "tlsh": "T1AE75AE23E54280FDD65820316CBB7F3ABDB497595A24CA83A7E8DE791F32251932730D",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "7171717169e8e8e8"

Query imphash

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific imphash by query the API as follow:

search_term680b9682922177224183342c299d809fimphash you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_imphash", "search_term": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 64,
        "result_max": 250
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "0278236466b0915e5b5fb228033a46c7ed1d9f29ce07f5784b3746e8ea64fadb",
            "file_size": 1750234,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "77bfdf73e32b496bb9f111c304b8fb95",
            "sha1_hash": "8a88235b7bc5a8e4cc233532e4011b2fae4ac257",
            "sha3_384_hash": "f9826bdc674c19a3867a3b1d78c0ba1897303d70eb7ed5eaa6755bed3f368caaaea9543bd84ea66b086b653b1e23b2dd",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 10:23:53 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T193859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"
            "sha256_hash": "72011546699b21166467da8d7bd37ff0d96717288519f3fad8c19750e39aca42",
            "file_size": 1771258,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "59f2c99f52c368a923c74621d8b4e6fd",
            "sha1_hash": "fe5e0f5cf0ebd90e17034483eb9a902dd5cdd7bc",
            "sha3_384_hash": "8038039ec77602fbfe8ac922a7e1509c42dcbf6f07713af294df84c780b438e9b85181eab199ed8bcc70bba259bb18be",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 10:17:43 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T1AE859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"
            "sha256_hash": "cb36a871888de7f8de75a2e0204526e07429390e9a15a7031406c9d3c2ee2207",
            "file_size": 1747228,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "825b058531390b5c602b02353a5fa550",
            "sha1_hash": "09b9844ff84985cba76060b8f982060287b77fde",
            "sha3_384_hash": "7e376e7c47642c0729d87337696e3b1940c91b0cd410668d642f37a8a492e7502d0daeda56529a710fa0f81a09aecf38",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-13 19:52:33 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T1F3859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"

Query tlsh

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific tlsh by query the API as follow:

search_termT140551236C8E05951CAEFD73315186AF[...]tlsh you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_tlsh", "search_term": "T140551236C8E05951CAEFD73315186AF983182477CCC9E5BB0E6B36D62CB6431A36B06D" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 64,
        "result_max": 250
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "0278236466b0915e5b5fb228033a46c7ed1d9f29ce07f5784b3746e8ea64fadb",
            "file_size": 1750234,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "77bfdf73e32b496bb9f111c304b8fb95",
            "sha1_hash": "8a88235b7bc5a8e4cc233532e4011b2fae4ac257",
            "sha3_384_hash": "f9826bdc674c19a3867a3b1d78c0ba1897303d70eb7ed5eaa6755bed3f368caaaea9543bd84ea66b086b653b1e23b2dd",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 10:23:53 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T193859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"
            "sha256_hash": "72011546699b21166467da8d7bd37ff0d96717288519f3fad8c19750e39aca42",
            "file_size": 1771258,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "59f2c99f52c368a923c74621d8b4e6fd",
            "sha1_hash": "fe5e0f5cf0ebd90e17034483eb9a902dd5cdd7bc",
            "sha3_384_hash": "8038039ec77602fbfe8ac922a7e1509c42dcbf6f07713af294df84c780b438e9b85181eab199ed8bcc70bba259bb18be",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 10:17:43 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T1AE859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"
            "sha256_hash": "cb36a871888de7f8de75a2e0204526e07429390e9a15a7031406c9d3c2ee2207",
            "file_size": 1747228,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "825b058531390b5c602b02353a5fa550",
            "sha1_hash": "09b9844ff84985cba76060b8f982060287b77fde",
            "sha3_384_hash": "7e376e7c47642c0729d87337696e3b1940c91b0cd410668d642f37a8a492e7502d0daeda56529a710fa0f81a09aecf38",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-13 19:52:33 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "680b9682922177224183342c299d809f",
            "ssdeep": "24576:nKtpZm23yqec9S5hZqT5\/ZMoK3EHBCTFvfrr+E+OLzO9AO4k17vvoA+rXBxQHKbC:nC3LoqNG0HBi1X+5OmmPA7Hj+hb",
            "tlsh": "T1F3859E62AE9D4876C076363C8C1F6259A8297E103D289C5E67E80D0DCF3A7917F2539F",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "399998ecd4d46c0e"

Query telfhash

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific telfhash by query the API as follow:

search_termt1dd211d716b2195266ea0cd9088eca7[...]telfhash you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_telfhash", "search_term": "t1dd211d716b2195266ea0cd9088eca7b2512c97072349df33cf31849c24140aeea3ac4f" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 9,
        "result_max": 250
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "56c438f5a581a639f3f3853f2a01d850f51faf0fdd50f4f07bbc0826a0aabe55",
            "file_size": 134572,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-executable",
            "md5_hash": "e259d954ad3f1b037c3ba0fbcf109a3c",
            "sha1_hash": "71d11d2e8dd7256136108752303f06746dd91a56",
            "sha3_384_hash": "9a1d4e5ab8c336d8d6c332716c317255c1eeec9de16c3896e258e71470d65408f86e9a5ddb84c780550e1020fdf5c39e",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-14 11:51:01 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "3072:TDvifpXS+5mdlV7fqEJ\/itr6xQds\/HQq5QEbOmyM\/9Ybfrr:TDvifpXS+5mdfbAp6xQds\/wqXbO3M\/9I",
            "tlsh": "T1A9D35C06FB418F13C4D617BAF9AF424933229B94E3EB730659285FB43F8665E0E53905",
            "telfhash": "t1dd211d716b2195266ea0cd9088eca7b2512c97072349df33cf31849c24140aeea3ac4f",
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null
            "sha256_hash": "27e74f5f1ffd22b209362964acc0de74b9ca4b2476766cd49764b6b245eb370c",
            "file_size": 134556,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-executable",
            "md5_hash": "a9fab86dbdffd6b239f8ce9dfd2dcf33",
            "sha1_hash": "19f5cde32036e688244ebfdf6b63efacc45cc989",
            "sha3_384_hash": "4e01ea80eeecc957c990f186e2e05351990bc8f31a27dd6d70da7997848bc3c704b2f4eefc36f49aaf17ee864c109bb7",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-13 20:51:03 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "3072:PEDfiXp7SnrDqtVcxBjRqBg9M\/m+RG6Ob2mKM\/9Yfkurr:PEDfiXp7SnrDectqBg9M\/xRSb2vM\/9YD",
            "tlsh": "T115D34C06FB418F13C4D617BAFAAF424933229B94E3EB730659185FB43F8665E0E53A05",
            "telfhash": "t1dd211d716b2195266ea0cd9088eca7b2512c97072349df33cf31849c24140aeea3ac4f",
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null
            "sha256_hash": "0023f54ea7e345d6791921be8c8636a22c7ef8edcfe9d64971d3cbec0c3b1a91",
            "file_size": 134572,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-executable",
            "md5_hash": "e399cfbb622bdf06872a146fd05655cd",
            "sha1_hash": "a1c988a49cf44053f7ad6db046eb89032cb4e16f",
            "sha3_384_hash": "41b5bf490dd895ed8711eeadcd5744255623230e4f6f897e4084269150e38ea5dd7db5890d3da393fbd7169d80f31fba",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-12 23:51:02 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "3072:f0DvinprSHrDqtVGDB3RJxQds\/neqfasb2mKM\/9M\/zrr:f0DvinprSHrDeGDJxQds\/eqfb2vM\/9Mz",
            "tlsh": "T1DBD34B46FB418F13C4D617BAF9AF424933229B94E3EB730649285FB43F8666E0E53905",
            "telfhash": "t1dd211d716b2195266ea0cd9088eca7b2512c97072349df33cf31849c24140aeea3ac4f",
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": null

Query gimphash

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific gimphash by query the API as follow:

search_terma081e2fab5999d99ed6be718af55[...]gimphash you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_gimphash", "search_term": "a081e2fab5999d99ed6be718af55e93df171d14bc83c7ca5fdc0907edba0d338c" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 1,
        "result_max": 25
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "631fc8da17bc3eb84718969a48b679237165887baede146faba6df842c80ab5c",
            "file_size": 7053280,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "132a961afc5b7846f72c5944798535f6",
            "sha1_hash": "5ff9a26cba1baa65d34dd53cd9b7913b8e524570",
            "sha3_384_hash": "9404fba96909631807b2821f17a21d6315ec5f068b0c146a5cb7c58b073d7462374f44080f4ba5e255d130e0de981a72",
            "first_seen": "2022-07-02 09:24:03 UTC",
            "last_seen": "2022-07-02 12:26:15 UTC",
            "sightings": 2,
            "imphash": "c7269d59926fa4252270f407e4dab043",
            "ssdeep": "98304:lcjs3aEh2qJechqerH0KCYXidWPpTuEVtTZtWAI4AmnXTj+q+c6q1:28dqcp0KC8iMBLvTZkAI\/m\/+cF1",
            "tlsh": "T12C668D43F89560E9C6EAD130CA75C2527B307888073027D36F65AABA6B73BD05FB9750",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": "a081e2fab5999d99ed6be718af55e93df171d14bc83c7ca5fdc0907edba0d338",
            "dhash_icon": null

Query icon dhash

You can get a list of recent files associated with a specific icon dhash by query the API as follow:

search_term92264e9e361ccdeetelfhash you want to get results for
result_max100Optional: Max number of results you want to display (default: 25, max: 1'000)

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_dhash_icon", "search_term": "92264e9e361ccdee" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "query_info": {
        "search_scope": "all time",
        "result_count": 6,
        "result_max": 250
    "data": [
            "sha256_hash": "3d30ec7012f3477319137f7637f9879772e5ba3dcfc06dc341e8a4c14ea9598a",
            "file_size": 5427200,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "6ca7e57dad6a21d1f7aaf1aa030281a1",
            "sha1_hash": "66f37a918854e4ded2a335a085a9ea87374deef2",
            "sha3_384_hash": "2fce52c1c52383d4bebc5182f68431c81b241936193a318762bfa3bb8cbce9b9e7ebe8b00b66396c9d0cb61fbb5d7140",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-02 15:12:27 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "49152:eMdViVljGTvvC4cgeCcjoTkr3VNTqAFikjhpBn36DwkuxG+GgeGVQGouGU0:eKVijz3gXSoTol9vpBWwdRCaG",
            "tlsh": "T137469D12A6624877C37A0730DC6BA274B7F83D1C17FB5763B384B9DAAAB72407464346",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "92264e9e361ccdee"
            "sha256_hash": "4990abcda7532f88a7ae4b8731c14423260620276cc054b495a2d76c390747f8",
            "file_size": 1808896,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "0d0287c298c1e9cf54a0d92b0d75f21a",
            "sha1_hash": "fd309ba565157011973275d9cd11841119debb3a",
            "sha3_384_hash": "b0bdf049cccd822baec05f2f74c8ac128eec8a1b8ccef991fbe4537428b667f0ca1055f84f36cb5a0f38fcc4f7b62cb1",
            "first_seen": "2022-04-02 15:05:27 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": "4a99d91e1b68c500bb1244eb377c47a1",
            "ssdeep": "49152:2EPusxhC77OgLE2JqBc+MwlcF4SVJK91t23fPvVD7fZ:SYy73K2UL3tO1fZ",
            "tlsh": "T14E85226344B237EADBB3B1B692389D16F59A6C34C64A8319C381F9762FFDC5641B40E0",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "92264e9e361ccdee"
            "sha256_hash": "84368982d6f2253dcc10371cf1f7079199e0e1df21bb9608b0f73103b53283a8",
            "file_size": 5427200,
            "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
            "md5_hash": "44f2ea6379dd28895c62792dbf19713d",
            "sha1_hash": "0b667870d8daf13825f4ae8fbf9467f6f39a4e1b",
            "sha3_384_hash": "4056f3bd6fd0d9150f7c1edd5f9aa591e3df9146a0761eaa6677aabca15d6b485a4bdf44ea80267824df1b6b6b86ff44",
            "first_seen": "2022-03-30 12:16:05 UTC",
            "last_seen": null,
            "sightings": 1,
            "imphash": null,
            "ssdeep": "49152:tnYVqVljGTvvCpcCewc2Lyw9XTsTqFF2T36Yq6CHiiFCzoxv4YN:tYVqjzOCdrLyCjH2T7LCHigC8xv4",
            "tlsh": "T17D46AD12A6514C77C2790330DC6BA678B7F83D0C27FB5763B384B9DAAAB72907464346",
            "telfhash": null,
            "gimphash": null,
            "dhash_icon": "92264e9e361ccdee"

Perform a file rescan

You can get trigger an immediate file rescan by query the API as follow:

hash3cf9260ab6feb907cca7138f8959cbfaMD5, SHA1, SHA256 or SHA3-384 hash of the file you want to trigger a rescan for

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "rescan_file", "hash": "3cf9260ab6feb907cca7138f8959cbfa" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "queued",
    "data": {
        "task_id": "a9138ab4-f214-11ef-b4a6-42010aa4000b",
        "md5_hash": "3cf9260ab6feb907cca7138f8959cbfa",
        "sha256_hash": "ab7da8fab95eac522ac019e586301519bf1b1ad78325d6596cdd41b9806a46af",
        "sha1_hash": "74dc00912dbfa4ff1741bd71343a0067a392e4c7",
        "sha3_384_hash": "0b37b00d30263854de5f80f75d9251b23d3e49f09048f36c0a959d867d9b6016dfb708cab710319dd380bfcef9fad304",
        "file_size": "421888",
        "file_name": "rescan_67709",
        "mime_type": "application\/x-dosexec",
        "first_seen": "2025-02-23 18:30:56 UTC",
        "sightings": "1"

Download a file

You can download a file from YARAify by query the API as follow:

sha256_hasha638404ab71199981be143591853b[...]sha256 hash of the file you want to download

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_file", "sha256_hash": "a638404ab71199981be143591853b713b8826a82904a1cf72675de6bb026c8f9" }'

Please note that files for which the reporter has chosen the no sharing option are not available for download.

Download an unpacked file

You can download an unpacked file from YARAify by query the API as follow:

sha256_hasha638404ab71199981be143591853b[...]sha256 hash of the file you want to download

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_unpacked", "sha256_hash": "de7fa65d5cd5314ba0ce6ab19a7dcd9853639a1152447457de7efb39a9ba1f46" }'

Please note that files for which the reporter has chosen the no sharing option are not available for download.

List recently deployed YARA rules

You can get a list of the most recent deployed YARA rules on YARAify as follow. Please take note that the author of the YARA rule must have set the YARA rule's meta field yarahub_rule_matching_tlp to TLP:WHITE.


Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "recent_yararules" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

    "query_status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "time_stamp": "2022-05-01 08:10:52 UTC",
            "yarahub_uuid": "1b95ce79-6034-4740-8e45-5f0840602d1a",
            "rule_name": "win_danabot",
            "author": "Johannes Bader",
            "description": "detects DanaBot",
            "date": "2022-04-19",
            "yarahub_license": "CC BY-SA 4.0",
            "yarahub_author_twitter": "@viql",
            "yarahub_reference_link": "https:\/\/\/bla",
            "yarahub_reference_md5": "8195d9c7b7193e9c63137d156df7b6f3",
            "yarahub_rule_matching_tlp": "TLP:WHITE",
            "yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp": "TLP:WHITE",
            "malpedia_family": "win.danabot"

Deploy a YARA rule

You can deploy your own YARA rule for live hunting on YARAify, either by uploading your rule to your your account or by using the API. A sample script for deploying your own YARA rule to YARAify is available on our GitHub repository.

If you want to update one of your existing rules, simply upload the corresponding YARA rule with the same yarahub_uuid and rule name.

In order to deploy your YARA rule to YARAify, the following fields must be present in the YARA rule meta section:

  • date: Human readable date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • yarahub_uuid: Unique ID in UUID 4 format. If you don't know how to generate one, we have just generated one for you:
  •  f5d34985-bc8c-426b-891c-06326a8894e2
  • yarahub_license: Creative Commons license under which you want to share your YARA rule. Suggestion: CC0 1.0
  • yarahub_rule_matching_tlp: This TLP defines whether YARA matches of this rule and it's meta data should be publicly visible or not. Suggestion: TLP:WHITE
  • yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp: This TLP defines whether the YARA rule itself should be shared or not. Suggestion: TLP:WHITE
  • yarahub_reference_md5: MD5 hash of a sample (file) that would match this YARA rule

For further information we encourage you to have a look at the YARAhub Rule Guidelines.

YARAify is currently using YARA version 4.2.1

Show your active YARA rules

You can get a list of active YARA rules you have deployed on YARAify for live hunting.


Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "show_deployed_yara_rules" }'

A response from this API endpoint looks like this:

      "query_status": "ok",
      "data": [
              "time_stamp": "2024-12-20 10:51:20 UTC",
              "yarahub_uuid": "12b31ce2-eeae-480f-8ad3-efe93f4e8785",
              "rule_name": "ach_202407_html_form_post2php",
              "author": "",
              "description": "Detects potential HTML phishing by looking for form HTTP post to PHP URL",
              "date": "2024-07-12",
              "yarahub_license": "CC0 1.0",
              "yarahub_author_twitter": "@abuse_ch",
              "yarahub_reference_link": null,
              "yarahub_reference_md5": "a4b1c0a74e3d77ed2145687ebc436abc",
              "yarahub_rule_matching_tlp": "TLP:WHITE",
              "yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp": "TLP:RED",
              "malpedia_family": null
              "time_stamp": "2024-12-18 13:11:17 UTC",
              "yarahub_uuid": "250fa07d-9e5f-48b0-b490-d63e9261dc7e",
              "rule_name": "ach_202412_js_mintstealer",
              "author": "",
              "description": "Detects potential MintStealer delivered through malicious JavaScript files",
              "date": "2024-12-18",
              "yarahub_license": "CC0 1.0",
              "yarahub_author_twitter": "@abuse_ch",
              "yarahub_reference_link": null,
              "yarahub_reference_md5": "b30d0e1b25fe6672ca48f8d1d2af7800",
              "yarahub_rule_matching_tlp": "TLP:WHITE",
              "yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp": "TLP:RED",
              "malpedia_family": null

Delete a YARA rule

You can delete your own YARA rule from YARAify by leveraging this API endpoint.

yarahub_uuidbcbf6764-19....The UUID of your YARA rule you want to delete

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "delete_yara_rule" , "yarahub_uuid": "bcbf6764-19ae-44f1-adb1-db0d23c100fb"}'

Download a specific YARA rule

You can download a specific YARA rule present on YARAhub. Please take note that the author of the YARA rule must have set the YARA rule's meta field yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp to TLP:WHITE to allow sharing of the YARA rule in public.

uuid1b95ce79-6034-4740-8e45-5f0840602d1aUUID of the YARA rule you want to download

Here's a sample curl command:

curl -H "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY" -X POST -d '{ "query": "get_yara_rule", "uuid": "1b95ce79-6034-4740-8e45-5f0840602d1a" }'

Download all available YARA rule

You can download all available YARA rules that are currently present in YARAhub. Please take note that the author of the YARA rule must have set the YARA rule's meta field yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp to TLP:WHITE to allow sharing of the YARA rule in public.

Here's a sample curl command:

curl --output

Or simply click on the following download link:

Download all YARA rules

Note that the file gets generated every 5 minutes. Please do not fetch it more often than that.

Example scripts

You can find a handful example scripts for how to interacting with the YARAify API on our github repository: